Gloria's Vitality for Life Monthly
In last month's newsletter, I covered 3 important topics: Fibromyalgia, Kid's Nutrition and Anti-aging.
In this issue, I wanted to cover Shaklee's skin care special promo and also share some remedies that may help kids to get rid of eczema, and discuss other topics that can help you build your health naturally.
I can tell you that the new YOUTH skin care system is terrific. My skin looks great, lines are diminishing, and people keep telling my I never seem to age.
The picture to the left was taken after I broke my board at the 2017 Shaklee Conference in Atlanta. My breakthrough is becoming bolder in my efforts to move my business to a nigher level and help others find a way to love life.
No scary news this month. Enjoy Halloween and be grateful for each day of your life.
Thanks for reading and here's to your health!
In this issue:
Eczema in Infants and Children
Remedies for Varicose Veins
5 Things to Avoid in Your Skin Care Products
YOUTH Special Gift
Plus, much more!
December 31:
Get a FREE Radiance C+E ($94 value) when you purchase the new Advanced Anti-Aging Regimen and place on Autoship.
PLUS October 1 through
October 31 ONLY:
Receive an exclusive pink YOUTH™ cosmetic bag with each purchase of the new Advanced Anti-Aging Regimen.
What is Eczema & How These Moms Helped Their Kids Get Rid of It
Does your child or someone you know have inflamed patches of dry, red skin? Do they suffer from severe itching and they won't stop scratching?
These may be signs of atopic dermatitis, the most common form of eczema.
Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is an inflammatory skin condition that affects an estimated 30 percent of the U.S. population, mostly children and adolescents.
Fortunately, there are simple strategies that can help reduce the risk that your child will develop eczema as well as natural treatments to calm existing lesions.
Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Varicose Veins
Large veins that you can see just under the surface of your skin, mild swelling of your ankles and feet, painful, achy, or "heavy" legs... Do you experience any of these?
These are just some of the symptoms of varicose veins. It's not a pretty subject, but it is an important one.
According to Chicago Vein Institute, more than 40 million people in the United States suffer from varicose veins.
What are the natural remedies that may be helpful for varicose veins?
5 Things to Avoid in Your Skin Care Products
We all want to have great skin. And we don't want our skin to age. But environmental factors, stress, genetics, and a busy life all play a part in how our skin looks over the years.
So if you're like most people you're probably buying something that promises to slow down how your skin ages.
However, in your pursuit for nicer, healthier skin, is what you're putting on your face even safe?
Related Articles from Shaklee's Naturally Blog
Follow these tips for healthier and younger-looking skin.
Discover how you can make changes that can make a positive impact on your health.
"Old age never just creeps up on anyone. Old age is not lurking in the background. You can delay its appearance by living the nutritional way to health"
–Dr. Forrest C. Shaklee
Shaklee Vitalizing Plan (New Video)
Discover why Shaklee's Vitalizing Plan is much more than a multi.
Pumpkin Spice Energy Bites
Enjoy these no bake pumpkin spice energy bites anytime of the day!
Homemade Chocolate Fudgsicles
Creamy, Chocolaty and Delicious! An exciting and healthy recipe using Life Energizing Shake.
Have an amazing week!
All the best,
Gloria |
This information is not intended to replace medical care, to diagnose, to treat or to cure.
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